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bike rental

take it easy

Explore beautiful Carinthia with well-kept and serviced bikes. We offer our house guests city and  mountain bikes. For the top ebikes, we allow ouselfs to refer you to our partner >>, who will also be happy to deliver your desired bike to the hotel.

City or Mountainbike:    € 19,-- all day respectively € 12,-- half day

Bike locks and helmets are also provided. If you come with your own bike, you can of course store it safely in our bike garage.

Biking in lake Ossiach area

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Going around the lake

The classic in the region - bike around the lake. From the hotel turn left or right to the main road and cross it once. You step straight onto the bike path.


>> Around the lake: approx. 28 km

>> duration: approx. 1h 45min - 2 hrs

>> route details: find them here

bike bus- Region Villach Erlebis Card

Experience the most beautiful cycle paths in Carinthia comfortably with the cycle bus. As part of the Region Villach Erlebnis Card for € 9.00. The buses take you comfortably from the meeting point (Annenheim Kanzelbahn) to the entry points of the cycle paths. Registration mandatory via the >>Shop.

Monday: Ossiacher See - Faaker See - Tarvis (ITA)

Tuesday: Ossiacher See - Spittal, Lake Millstatt

Wednesday: Ossiacher See - Heramgor/Gailtal

Thursday: Drauradweg/Ferlach - Ossiacher See

Our tip: The bike bus runs from Annenheim all around the lake Ossiach and then to the destination. Drive independently (approx. 12-15 minutes) to the "Robinson Club" stop and hop on to the bus there (so you don't have to go all around the lake) .

>> see map

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Trails and tours in several levels of difficulty in the Villach region.

IIn the immediate vicinity: Tour Nr. 4 - Oswaldiberg, Tour Nr. 10 - Prefelnigtour, Tour Nr. 12 - Ossiacher Tauern, Tour Nr. 14 - Challenger Tour

Drau bike path (Drauradweg)

A total of 510 km from Tobalcher Feld in South Tyrol along the Drau, via Carinthia to the Slovenian-Croatian border area. Why not visit the golden mean - the section "lower Drau Valley". Comfortable by train from Villach to Spittal and via the small villages and the picturesque Carinthian landscape back to Lake Ossiach.


>> section: Spittal - Villach : approx. 40 km

>> duration: approx. 2h 45min

>> route details: find them here


And if you want to go the extra mile:


>> section: Lienz – Spittal: approx. 77 km

>> duration: approx. 4h 00min

>> route details: find them here

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areaone - Mountainbike Skill Center Kumitzberg

Everyone is talking about mountain biking and it is no longer an extreme sport. Regardless of whether you want to consolidate your skills or combine cycling with going over hills and rocks for the first time. The areaone Mountain Bike Skill Center Kumitzberg is worth a visitation for  beginners and advanced bikers.

>> trip from hotel to areaone: approx. 7 km

>> duration: approx. 25 min

>> route details: find them here - Faaker See Samonigg Trail

Fortgeschrittene Mountainbiker (Schwierigkeit: mittel) erwartet der aussichtsreiche Samonigg Singletrail am Faaker See.


>> Trail: approx. 1,6 km

>> duratoin: approx. 30 min

>> route details: find tem here

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Mountainbike 4 - Pumptrack.jpg - pumptrack Drobollach

The new, covered PUMPTRACK in Drobollach (lake Faak)  is perfect for young and old to get a feeling for the necessary technique. Playful approach to driving technique as well as an alternative for rainy days  (suitable for kids) ...

biking in Carinthia

Whether it's a leisurely bike ride with a stop for refreshments, over hill and dale, or racing against the clock on a racing bike. You can find countless other tour suggestions and details on the Karnten Werbung tour portal.

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ÖBB Radsprinter Züge

Mit den Radsprintern der ÖBB entdecken Sie die schönsten Radwege Kärntens und des Alpe-Adria-Raums. Die Fahrt mit den Radsprintern ist für Inhaber:innen einer gültigen Erlebnis CARD kostenfrei. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Mitnahme von Fahrrädern nicht inkludiert ist und dafür ein separates Ticket gelöst werden muss.

Die Radsprinter verkehren ab 3. Juni 2023 immer samstags & sonntags,

sowie täglich von 8. Juli - 10. September 2023.

MICOTRA Sprinter: Villach - Tarvis (I) - Villach
Tauernsprinter: Villach - Mallnitz - Villach
Gailtalsprinter: Villach - Hermagor - Villach
Karawankensprinter: Villach - Jesenice (SLO) - Villach
Petzensprinter: Klagenfurt - Petzen - Klagenfurt

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